Zajedno do fondova EU
Archeological Park Vižula
Once a small fishing village, Medulin is today one of Croatia’s most prominent tourist destinations, with almost half a million visitors a year. Right in the heart of Medulin, and just outside the main tourist area, you can find the Vižula peninsula, a quiet place with a millennia-long history.

Once a small fishing village, Medulin is today one of Croatia’s most prominent tourist destinations, with almost half a million visitors a year. Right in the heart of Medulin, and just outside the main tourist area, you can find the Vižula peninsula, a quiet place with a millennia-long history.

The archaeological remains in this 26-hectare area range from the Neolithic to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. The most significant find in Vižula is the remains of an ancient villa, which with its impressive dimensions, monumental architecture, rich decoration, beautiful mosaics and finest marble, is one of the most attractive, spacious and luxurious maritime residential villas from the period of the Roman Empire on the eastern Adriatic coast.

The park was designed to meet the expectations of both children and adults and includes two bars, children’s playgrounds, an adrenaline park, a stage for various events in the former quarry, an archaeology school, and an antique garden. Visitors can obtain all the necessary information at the info-point at the entrance, and also rent VR/AR goggles to enjoy the visualisation of the magnificent restored ancient villa and its individual sections. The park also features smart benches, an e-tree, a hotspot point, interpretation boards that include braille texts for blind and visually impaired visitors, and a circular tactile map. The entire peninsula is also under video surveillance.
Working hours of Info point at the entrance:
From 17th June until 30th June 2024:
every day from 8am – 3 pm
saturdays closed
From 1st July until 15th September 2024:
every day from 8am – 9 pm
Welcome to Vižula!
Take a walk through an area with a remarkable ancient history, breathe in the Mediterranean atmosphere of imperial Rome, relax, and admire the live images of its millennia-old archaeological history. A visit to Vižula is always a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
In order to realise this project, the Municipality of Medulin applied for funding from the European Regional Development Fund in 2016. The project title was ‘Preparation and Implementation of Integrated Development Programmes Based on the Restoration of Cultural Heritage’. The lead partner is the Municipality of Medulin, and the project partners are Medulin Tourist Board, the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Science, the Dr Mijo Mirković Faculty of Economics and Tourism at Juraj Dobrila University in Pula, the Croatian Conservation Institute, and Kamenjak Public Institution.
The goal of the project is to provide visitors with a genuine experience of the revived spirit of ancient times in a quiet natural setting through thematically connected units and to contribute to the sustainable social and economic development of Medulin as a recognised cultural and historical tourism destination by promoting and revitalising its cultural heritage.
The project, which officially began on 1 September 2017 and which will last until 1 September 2019, aims to develop this archaeological site through appropriate renovation, presentation and promotion, and to introduce attractive cultural, tourism and educational services and facilities to increase the number of visitors and extend the tourist season. In addition, the introduction of a management system and investment in infrastructure and additional amenities at Vižula Archeological Park should contribute to the opening up of new workplaces and attract small and medium enterprises.
The total value of the project, for which a grant contract was signed on 27 April 2017, is 19,645,579.23 kn, of which 16,040,624.19 kn is from the European Regional Development Fund. The project includes investment in the protection, renovation, revitalisation and interpretation of archaeological finds on land and in the sea, laying out and equipping a walking trail, as well as the introduction of cultural and tourist services and facilities for visitors based on cultural heritage. In addition, there is also training on the sustainable management and presentation of cultural heritage, as well as the branding, marketing and promotion of Vižula Archaeological Park and the entire destination.